Sunday, May 31, 2009


so archie andrews finally made his choice and picked the vivacious veronica lodge. i am happy for veronica she finally won the war and i feel heart broken for poor betty cooper because as always she lost.
as every other teenager i too started reading archie comics from a young age and i instantly fell in love with betty because i saw myself in her. i too like her am a simple sweet girl. in fact i am pretty goofy at times not at all like the kind of princesses or fairies or supermodels that depict an ideal woman. my heart is all i have. and so betty's pursuit for archie gave me a hope that maybe the good girl also gets her prince. archie never deserved betty but as always is a girl as no control over whom she may fall for. i get it why betty loves archie so much. i kinda experienced it first hand myself and like betty i too am left broken hearted because he chose the beautiful more elegant and the better looking girl. so when i heard today that archie chose betty i actually felt the heart break all over again. the reason there is such huge disappointment among people is perhaps because this story of archie, betty adn veronica has been iconic for generations. and since people are so used to stories with fairy tale ending we always thought that the more relatable girl woul win. betty is the kind of girl every guy wants as a wife and every girl aspires to be and so veronica is more new age material. dont get me wrong i love ronnie. she is awesome. she gets what she wants and is a great friend to betty but she always wanted archie to satisfy the competitive urge inside her. never because she loved archie. but archie made his choice and its horrid that someone like him gets to choose between two such amazing girls. betty will definitely find some one who actually deserves her but its her heart break that troubles me the most. its not easy to let go of someone you care so deeply about. i get that. but i guess this world is no longer a place for people like betty or like me. you gotta protect yourself from everything. dont fall for anyone. dont care too much for anyone. think only about yourrself and become selfish.
but sometimes you just cant be someone you were never meant to be. betty will never stop loving archie. when she finds a man who really deserves her she will love him but archie will always be a part of her heart. but as far as i know the world needs people like betty. and somethings especially some people should never change.
after all you have to face yourself in the mirror at the end of the day. so howmuch ever it pains being a betty cooper in real life makes me feel pride. and i can live with that.
congratulations to archie. he did betty a favor but he will always be the guy who broke betty cooper's heart....and mine too!!!!!!

the freedom writer's

My ipod is stuck! Stupid thing wont work! What will I do now?
This was my biggest worry. And now it seems so insignificant. The time that lapsed between these changes, riveted me completely. I just spent the past two and a half hours of my life watching a wonderful movie called the freedom writer’s based on a book. And in these two hours I discovered how lucky I am, how much potential I have within me and the are world’s out there whose reality is far far worse than our biggest fears. The freedom writer’s is about a teacher’s journey into the lives of a group of racially divided students in a time frame in America when racial violence and hatred was at a high. I felt disconnected at the start. Of course I am against racism but never had ever experienced it first hand. I never knew what it felt to be discriminated against because of the colour of your skin. Though I live in a country where the colour of your skin really determines a lot but never let it affect me. Because an advertisement of fair and lovely really doesn’t affect me much expect for generating sympathy inside me for people foolish enough and insecure to go for such marketing gimmicks. However going back to the story I just saw I realized what human discrimination is capable of inflicting into this world.
Its not really about what race are you or what colour are you but more about how many can you gather that look just like you, target all the hatred and suppressed anger towards someone you don’t like much and become powerful by overpowering those who cant defend themselves. it’s a chain reaction that goes on giving birth to one frustrated and discriminated victim to the other. The movie was about how high school kids got into gangs and how their innocent minds that should have been taught about Mozart and Beethoven and world history were taught about sticking together with people of the same race, shooting guns at any person who was not the same colour as you, testifying against enemy races and worst of all hatred. And then I realized something. These people whose stories so appalled me and broke my heart were nothing more then lost little kids. Kids smaller then me in age but so much older in experiencing grief. It reminded me of the hopelessness I had seen so much around me. These were little kids just in school. School, an experience I have just recently passed through and had a wonderful time where I learned how to think on my own and understand what an ideal world might need. And the same word school for them was a compulsion. As one of the protagonist put it- “my parole officer gave me a choice- it’s either school or boot camp!” no one cared and no one bothered. But one person did both. She was just another teacher who could have followed into the footsteps of the people before her but she refused to do so. She fought and sacrificed her own life to bring light into the lives of these children who didn’t even bother to show her respect. She took on jobs so that she could buy them books and when these kids saw the new books on their table they felt better and felt as if someone really cared about them. A little spark of interest ignited a passion inside these kids to actually battle life and they began fighting. The journey from living in a state of doom looming over your head everywhere you go to wanting to become better and demand a better life is what the movie is about. And most of all it points a finger at you, the viewer, the reader and the one sitting comfortably at home. The finger pointing at you asks you that you too can do something to change the lives of the people who need hope in their lives. We can sit around and live life the way everyone does and not bother about anything else. Follow what the world is doing and be comfortable or take a stand and bring light into someone’s life who might need it. This singular women prevented 30-50 kids from turning into gangsters or dead bodies or overly addicted druggies and changed them into individuals with hope of living a life that could mean something. She is no billionaire nor is she super successful but her life seems so much more meaningful than the lives that I used to admire till now. Maybe I am being too idealistic but I am ashamed of the cowardice I see around. No one wants to get their hands dirty and somehow that had till now seemed a pretty justifiable reason to not get mine dirty either but now it seems like gibberish. Seems like an excuse to hide from the actual purpose in life that I intend to fulfill. It seems absurd and words a coward would use.
I want to be able to generate hope that created something as noble as the freedom writer’s and make sense out of my own life. I feel blessed that today I can think and comprehend the things that I am able to. I am proud of the enriched thoughts that I have been exposed too thanks to a couple of really good teacher’s in my life and then I feel sad because I know this ability to have an independent thought is still a privilege in my country. And a privilege not because of shortage of funds but because of shortage of people who can spread hope for a life in the people around. Imagine living in a world where free thought and by free I mean free from all sorts of bias becomes a luxury!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


ever notice a the people around you? have you ever felt you don't belong where you stand even though you seem to be talking to everyone. people enjoy listening to you go on and on about small incidents and your experiences. your the life in the room. people hang on to your every word and you are the only one who initiates conversation. the scariest thought is when this initiation has led to every important relationship that you have and the scary part is whether its just based on your ability to talk or the connection you have. the world is a stage as Shakespeare said but i wonder is it really a stage and all of us acting out parts that we presume the world will accept?
being yourself is not easy and many times exposing the real you can really hurt you bad. because we are all vulnerable when we become transparent. security comes when you are sure that no one can just see through you. that hope of mystery that envelopes every person somehow gives a sense of security.
how often have you walked into a room, spent time and left feeling you just wasted a few very good hours of your life. obviously every moment of life cant be made worthwhile but when you are stranded in a sea of people you cant even relate too and to be accepted you have to strain on finding common ground you often end up feeling whether it's worth it. sometimes you find a connection with someone you meet. but you cant always be surrounded by such people. every person is an outcast somewhere or the other. but the world is really a stage and every situation you face a scene where you have to portray one particular emotion or one particular character. though there may b e no common ground between who you really are and the character you are expected to play but unlike a stage or a play or a movie that plays on stage the stage of life never closes. it is really only those moments that you are alone with yourself when you discover things about yourself.
a tiny experience that i wanna share with the world- one fine trip, one fine exercise and something amazing happened. to many this might mean nothing but i target those few who would perhaps understand what i mean.
while on a trekking trip we had an exercise where for fifteen minutes everyday we were made to sit alone in between nature on a hill amidst pure nature and no human contact was allowed. the very first time i tried it i found it to be extremely boring as staring at mountains wasn't my idea of outdoor adventure. but as the days passed i started enjoying this experience more than anything in the world. i guess today when i look back i realise that the reason i enjoyed it so much was because it brought me in touch with myself. and then and there i transformed from a shallow superficial factory made child to a human being. it was beautiful. these fifteen minutes were strategically placed at that point of time in the day when the afternoon ended and the cold evenings began. it was a camping trip and the afternoons were the only warm time throughout the day. rest of the time it was very very cold. so when that time started we would be warm and when it ended we would be cold. i could actually feel the winds change. and somehow it felt like they talked to me. bringing messages i could somehow comprehend. i kissed my parents sitting on that mountain every day. i guess i held the belief that the winds took my kisses to my lonely parents sitting miles away from me and missing me like hell...
its just amazing. try it and give it a chance. find your spot and talk to will feel the change. :)

Monday, May 25, 2009


The path of self discovery is perhaps one of the toughest journeys any individual undertakes. On the way you find so many wonderful new things, your perceptions are challenged and your very basis of life takes blow by blow of hardcore reality. Life is a twisted tale with no real end except death. You grow with a feeling of never changing, but every new stage in life changes you in such magnitude that you tend to loose touch with that person you were once. What exactly is this world? World in reality is a large collection of symbiotic existence between mankind. However on a smaller scale and in a more relative sense ‘the world’ is defined by the people who comprise of your surroundings. With every new aspect of life you are made to face newer people with different aspirations, ideals and perceptions. An idealistic start is what basic schooling gives you to life. So many factors decide an individuals belief’s and ideas. So much changes and so many times you are forced too change. This change actually originates from the will to stay happy. Every individual in this world wants to be happy and have a happy life. But again happiness is relative. Relativity is such a predominant factor hence eliminating absolution from life. Yet ever relative perception we create and every new ideal we hamper arises with the will of absolution. The clash of ideas between two people remains healthy as long as it incorporates positive change however when your very own perception of life is challenged or you start becoming someone you never were, you tend to either put up a defensive front and fight this imposing change, or accept it and alter your own ideas thus resulting in the uncertainty of whether change is good or not. Fact of the matter is change may be good or maybe bad but in the end change is inevitable. A person has to change according to the world around for acceptance and also for existence. The survival instincts inside us often overpower our fixations and perceptions.
Everything new stimulates doubt and uncertainty inside an individual’s head. New feelings, that you decided you’d never have or never knew existed, creep into your head from some corner leading you into this hopeless pit of confusion and darkness. Darkness that challenges your very firm decision of eliminating the possibility of feeling something new and remaining in the light. Life is tough very tough and every new chapter brings more and more confusion. Those who say they know what they are doing with their life also experience this. At an early age where innocence is still a prominent aspect of your thoughts you tend to plan out life. At least you tend to plan out the things you never want to happen to yourself, however plans are only for paperwork. Real life kicks in when these plans fall out flat on the ground. And you stand face to face with harsh heart shattering reality. You can either lock yourself from the world or at least a part of you that you never want to loose or just go ahead and change according to circumstances thus always leaving you lost and converting you into someone or something you once despised. The world is divided into cynics and dreamers. Cynics dominate thought and reality while dreamers dominate feelings and possibility. Its always easier to mould yourself the way the world wants to mould you. Initially things might be tough but with time just going with the flow seems easier. And people who take this path are transformed into this hopeless machine that the factory of the world produces on a large scale. Shallowness, loosing touch with oneself and believing everything even remotely cynical are the probable symptoms. Self belief shakes and acceptance towards everything creeps in giving birth to lack of faith. Faith and reality for a cynic are two opposing poles but for someone who refuses the ways of the world faith is reality. Its tough to not change and stick to your self. Not changing is often synonymous to a rebel or a radical or an outcast. But not changing doesn’t necessary imply an anti social element. After all society is really just a dominating thought process and just on the basis of dominance such thought cant be considered fact. By refusing to let the world change you is to not let the world tell you how to think or how to feel. The basic will to question is fast diminishing with every passing generation. People have begun to really accept everything they are told without questioning. Practicality is fast turning as an excuse to do what the world wants you to do. It not about rebelling against the forces that want to tell you how to think but it is a question of the basic
need for justification. A good salesman can convince you to change almost anything inside you and under the context of that being the only way for your survival. Its about not selling out. Every genius in his/her time was an outcast purely because he/she refused to accept what everyone had accepted without questioning. Life is a hard journey where at every moment, at every turn you are forced to alter yourself drastically. Preservation of one’s self and adjustment to the ways of the world are not two contradictory scenarios. Changing yourself to the extent that the world can accept you and refusing to change to the extent that the world should dominate you are two very difficult things to achieve simultaneously.
It all narrows down to the simple fact that the world is a big huge corporate that wants to produce as many machines as it can to maximize output no matter what and every individual is a fighter fighting out there all alone. Each one would have his/her own aspirations and expectations from life and many fail to achieve even a single one of them. Not many win these battles against the system, many manage to win but are ostracized on account of their rebellion but there is a third kind, a very rare category of people who don’t let the battle decide their fate. Self preservation and propelling oneself higher into the world are the symbiotic conditions that elevate and individual and make life as a journey easier. Not everyone will accept your true thinking, many don’t understand it and many more pretend not to understand it. But the journey is an individualistic journey and if traversed tactfully can actually leave you in a position to be in love with the person you have become.


As the title suggests this blog is about me and the world around me. initially when i stumbled upon this idea of starting a blog and sharing my opinion on matters i started thinking of a topic to write on. quite honestly like every other writer in the world i just can not restrict my self to one field alone. as i discover more and more about this world and about people my knowledge expands and hence my opinions evolve.
so from one beautiful little corner of this world i am going to ramble about ideas and opinions that breeze through my mind every single day. not only laziness but lack of content might at times stand as obstacles in my noble cause of entertaining the net world with my opinions. i am a very passionate person who comes with tons of patience and willingness to accept. i dont impose my belief's or opinions on anyone but i can make them sound rational and believable if you give me a chance. so i begin with a piece about life and its uncertainties. hope you enjoy it...and those of you who have managed to discover this small blog amidst all those major superstar or super fake stars or crazy blogs out there...thanks for visiting.hope i entertained you!!!