As the title suggests this blog is about me and the world around me. initially when i stumbled upon this idea of starting a blog and sharing my opinion on matters i started thinking of a topic to write on. quite honestly like every other writer in the world i just can not restrict my self to one field alone. as i discover more and more about this world and about people my knowledge expands and hence my opinions evolve.
so from one beautiful little corner of this world i am going to ramble about ideas and opinions that breeze through my mind every single day. not only laziness but lack of content might at times stand as obstacles in my noble cause of entertaining the net world with my opinions. i am a very passionate person who comes with tons of patience and willingness to accept. i dont impose my belief's or opinions on anyone but i can make them sound rational and believable if you give me a chance. so i begin with a piece about life and its uncertainties. hope you enjoy it...and those of you who have managed to discover this small blog amidst all those major superstar or super fake stars or crazy blogs out there...thanks for visiting.hope i entertained you!!!
sure, it wld be a pleasure being a part of ur journey !!