Monday, April 19, 2010


Not long ago I fought with a friend and the first thing I did was take that person off my friend list on face book. And I deleted her from my orkut friend list. And I made sure that she had no role in my cyber life. And yet her number is still in my cell phone and I see her almost everyday. Yet mentally I know she is so not my friend because she is off my face book friend list. that’s how things have become today. Not so long a ago strained relationships, break ups and falling out meant loosing out on friends and people that were once important in your life. Today its an entirely different ball game.

So Maya broke up with her boyfriend and she wrote a nasty poem blasting him off on her blog. She received an anonymous comment trashing her poem and ruining her creative instincts. Mathew’s latest face book status talks about a mystery woman who has stunned the daylights out of him. Sheila’s albums on face book are a hit in her campus. They always have all the popular ( read pretty ) people tagged in them. A great way to send out friend requests. Karan must be really popular, he has over 400 friends on face book. And if shahid kapoor, shashi tharoor and even Narendra Modi are tweeting why the hell should I stay behind.
Twitter, face book, and an obsolete orkut are the coffee houses of the greatest thinker’s of the 21st century. I remember my history teacher telling us of how during renaissance the great thinkers and philosophers would meet in tiny coffee houses and discuss the ways of the world in the confinements of those small stuffy coffee houses, far away from the despotism, tyranny and dictatorship that was rampant outside. And today as I sit and look at twitter to grab the latest update on the IPL fiasco and simultaneously check my face book account to see if any of my friends saw my latest update describing my current mental trauma over an examination that’s killing me I cant help but think is the cyber world our new coffee house. The world’s coffee place. A platform where public scrutiny as well as blunt expression of your own opinions, your emotions and your situations go along together in a symbiotic relationship. Cyberspace is our new platform to build everything from our social status to our political beliefs. The power men, the alpha males of our current society are using twitter with all guns blazing, unleashing a never ending and open under the table conspiracy. You have top notch celebrities discussing their over the top glamorous world on twitter, tweeting about their trips and hectic schedules. You have Mos’s describing their political dreams and agendas on twitter and you have fake Mayawati profiles on face book talking about the next statue and its position.
Why go to the popular faces, think of your own face book life. All your old friends, old photographs and status updates. From blog posts to 140 character status updates cyberspace has given our society something that was so exclusive a few decades ago. Cyberspace has given us our very own global coffee house where we can narrate our tales of heart breaks, our ideas for our future, our fears and worst of all our opinions about the present scene.
Each and everyone of us has at some time or the other punched in that frustrated one liner specifically aiming at that someone special who was the reason for all the drama in our life. Or punched in that romantic song to tell the world ( and all those interested) that someone is in a romantic mood. Or openly flirt with that guy/ gal you just cant take your eyes off. With utmost honestly just ask yourself, don’t you wait to see the comments on your own photograph or your own status update right after you posted it. don’t you open twitter just to see what tharoor posted or who is chetan bhagat talking about now.
Facebook is your own modern way of having a heart to heart with the world. You throw an idea, an emotion or just a thought out there for the world ( that you created by accepting friend requests) to see and scrutinize. Sometimes you find a stranger you cant see but still can talk to or sometimes your find an old friend you cant believe you lost touch with. And most of the time you just end up saying what you never were able to on the face through you latest tweet or face book update. The world has definitely become smaller. And yet the platform to open up and discuss ideas and opinions widened.
Be it a heart to heart with your friend or an open attack on something you don’t support face book and twitter are the new coffee houses of the 21st century.
Cyber space gives you a fiercely independent and unmonitored doorway into a whirlpool of the world. Access what you want, follow what you like and comment on as you wish. From analyzing you daily luck to finding out whom your going to marry in the next few years you have all your answers right there in front of you! I guess having a heart to heart is out dated but tweeting about the way you feel is just right. After all we are the SMS generation… ;)

Thursday, April 8, 2010


They sat under the starry night in the same place they had occupied not so long ago. Hand in hand
they stared at the wonderful starry sky overhead lost in a dreamy world. At least one of them was. She couldn’t stop thinking of how lucky she felt. This guy wasn’t perfect. He wasn’t anything like she had ever imagined. He was different but something in him had made her fall for him. And despite denying it all along they had by some grace hooked up. It had taken him almost half a year to convince her that he was in love with her. She never believed it but when he persisted she had too. After all he was the guy she wanted.
Their love story was like every other yet it had something special sprinkled all over it. The girl was a clumsy oaf who had frizzy hair and a crooked nose. But her heart was special, big enough to love the world. The guy was average in all means possible. He was tall, geeky and huggable. Qualities she never thought would make her heart flip. The guy was convinced that he would always be a nobody and yet to the girl he meant everything. He always wondered why would anyone ever love him and she wondered why doesn’t he see the wonderful inside him. She saw a spark in his eyes when he played music. She saw a brightness on his face when he solved physics. She saw how his hugs were always around whenever she needed him and she knew that she loved him for all his flaws- a perfect love she had only read of in story books.
He saw that this girl loved him. He knew he was her confidant and he knew that frizzy hair and a crooked nose were the best he could do with his awkward height and geekish looks. She did care and she was always there. He knew that she loved him and so he had proposed almost six months back. It had been a year and the fireworks did fly for sometime. In both their meaningless lives they were there for each other. And the world barely knew. Who would know a librarian dating a lab assistant there were million such spread all over. He hadn’t yet introduced her to his buddies but had met all her friends. Somehow he felt shame in showing her off. Being a lab assistant he had worked under some sultry women yet women were never easy to come. Though having a girlfriend would have made him a player he somehow could never bring her up. They teased him with the finest and he was stuck with crap. At least that’s how he knew other’s would feel and somehow that mattered more than anything else. But her heart kept him tied to her. He knew that no other girl would ever do so much as he could have her do.
And for the first few months he actually felt smitten. Whenever she’d ask to meet his family or friends he’d avoid the conversation with an excuse. that’s how the relationship was. She was in love and he was enjoying being loved. Six months ago love had happened for her and she knew he’d be her guy. She knew he was special as he had a heart of gold. She loved him for all his honesty. And six months later as they sat under the starry sky all she wanted to do was give her man a simple kiss. As she drew close he drew closer and just as their lips were about to meet he pushed her away saying, “ I need to tell you something important!”
She batted her eyelashes reminiscing how he had made her life amazing by saying those magic words first. She knew that though rare and few his words always managed to bedazzle her. She waited for him to speak and took his hand in hers.
“I don’t love you! It was all in a moment’s heat. I hope you understand. I really need to leave. We’ll talk soon. Keep in touch!”
And he left. She sat their all alone under the same starry night. Tears in her eyes. A crack in her heart and a lot of pain she never had felt before. After all she was the girl with a crooked nose and frizzy hair who really didn’t deserve love or even a respectable goodbye. They barely talked. She called him he avoided her as much as he could. And she never got to say goodbye.
Today she is still a girl with a crooked nose, frizzy hair and a broken heart. And he is with his buddies comparing whose supervisor is hotter!
Life is too big an experience and love is too big a risk. You never give your heart it gets taken away. so when you get it back all tattered into pieces you can either sit and cry or give life another chance.